How to complete the Millicent quest in Elden Ring

7 min read

Elden Ring's Millicent is one of the NPCs with her own story. While it's not quite as daunting as the Ranni quest, there are still a few steps you'll need to work through, and you'll be up against more than a couple of bosses in order to complete it.

Millicent's quest starts in Caelid, at Gowry's Shack, so you can get pick it up pretty early on. Subsequent steps will require you to have explored further into the game, however, so unless you've got quite a bit of story progression under your belt, don't expect to finish this quickly. As always with these types of guides, be careful of spoilers ahead. If you are ready to get stuck in, here's how to complete the Elden Ring Millicent quest. 

Elden Ring Millicent quest overview

Here's a brief summary of the steps you need to take to finish this quest: 

  • Go to Gowry's Shack in Caelid and speak with the NPC there. Agree to help him.
  • Kill Commander O'Neil to receive the Unalloyed Gold Needle.
  • Return the item to Gowry at his shack.
  • Find Millicent at the Church of the Plague and give her the item.
  • Return to Gowry at his shack and speak with Millicent.
  • Retrieve the Valkyrie's Prosthesis item from The Shaded Castle in Atlus Plateau.
  • Speak to Millicent at Atlus Plateau and hand over the item.
  • Defeat the boss at Windmill Village then speak to Millicent there.
  • Speak to Millicent at the Mountaintop of the Giants.
  • Access the Haligtree find Millicent.
  • Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit mini-boss.
  • Make a choice.

Gowry's Shack

(Image credit: From Software)

Where to find Gowry's Shack 

Gowry's Shack is in the southern part of Caelid, just south of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. If you haven't explored this area, the easiest way to get here is via the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank Site of Grace to the southwest. Once there, talk to Gowry inside the wooden hut and he'll tell you he wants to heal a girl but needs you to find an item first.

Unalloyed Gold Needle

Commander O'Neil location. (Image credit: From Software)

How to get the Unalloyed Gold Needle 

This item is dropped by Commander O'Neil, a boss found in the nearby Aeonia Swamp. He's located within the circle of trees on the eastern edge of the swamp, but it's worth grabbing the Site of Grace immediately to the north so you spawn right next to the boss arena if he gives you trouble.

Commander O'Neil isn't particularly tough but he does summon help which can make the fight more annoying. You can also fight him while riding Torrent which can be helpful. If you have problems taking him down, you can engage the boss, then lead him back towards the Inner Aeonia Site of Grace. The Scarlot Rot geysers here do a decent amount of damage to him so you can kite him into them to bring his health down quickly.

Once you have the Unalloyed Gold Needle in your possession, head back to Gowry's Shack and hand the item over. Either fast travel away and back again, or rest at a Site of Grace, and Gowry will hand back the repaired needle.

Church of the Plague

(Image credit: From Software)

How to get to the Church of the Plague 

Next, you need to head to the Church of the Plague, which is just to the east of Gowry's Shack but at the top of the cliff. 

When you gave Gowry the Unalloyed Gold Needle in the last step, he told you the secret of Sellia which allows you access to the road from this side. You can go ahead and light the beacons in the village to gain access, or you use Torrent to run down to the location from the Bestial Sanctum in the north. You can access the sanctum when you pick up your first Deathroot and speak to D at Roundtable Hold.

Millicent is found inside the ruins of the church. Hand over the needle then rest at the nearby Site of Grace. Talk to her again until she gives you the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom talisman.

Now you need to return to Gowry's Shack. Speak to Gowry, then fast travel to the closest Site of Grace and return to his shack. Millicent should now be there. Speak to her and exhaust her dialogue options.

Atlus Plateau

Valkyrie's Prosthesis location. (Image credit: From Software)

Find Millicent at Atlus Plateau 

You won't find Millicent again until you reach Atlus Plateau, just past the Grand Lift of Dectus in the northeast of Liurnia. You can find her just to the north of the Erdtree Gazing Hill Site of Grace but you can't progress her quest further until you retrieve the Valkyrie's Prosthesis item from a chest in the Shaded Castle area.

The map above shows the location, and you'll need to fight or run past a Cleanrot Knight to access the room where it resides. 

Once you have the item, return to Millicent and hand it over. You now need to keep talking to her until you run out of new dialogue.

Windmill Village

(Image credit: From Software)

Defeat the Godskin Apostle at Windmill Village 

Now you need to head to Windmill Village in the north of Atlus Plateau. Once you've activated the Windmill Village Site of Grace, head up the narrow area of land to the east and you'll find the Godskin Apostle at the top, near a windmill.

This boss is pretty tough and you should be prepared to dodge a lot. Multi-hit magic damage seems to break his poise and he seems to be somewhat susceptible to bleed. As with most bosses, it's best to play it safe and be ready to dodge until you've figured out his attack patterns and the tells for his more devastating attacks.

Once you've defeated the boss, activate the Windmill Heights Site of Grace. Rest or fast travel away and back again and you'll find Millicent here. Exhaust her dialogue once more.

Mountaintop of the Giants

(Image credit: From Software)

Talk to Millicent at Mountaintop of the Giants 

You won't see Millicent again until you reach the Mountaintop of the Giants region, to the east of Leyndell, Royal Capital. You can find her at the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace, to the south of Castle Sol and the southeast of Stargazer's Ruins.

Speak to her here and she'll tell you can call her in battle. She also talks about finding Malenia and mentions a medallion. For details on how to access the endgame area, check out our Haligtree Medallion guide.

At this point, you can return to Gowry's Shack in Caelid and talk to him about Millicent. There are several dialogue options you can explore.


(Image credit: From Software)

Millicent choice at Ephael, Brace of the Haligtree 

Once you have access to the Haligtree, make your way through until you reach the Prayer Room Site of Grace. This is an endgame area so expect tough enemies and at least one boss to get past to reach it. 

Find Millicent and speak to her, and she'll talk about Malenia. Continue on until you fight an Ulcerated Tree Spirit mini-boss, then rest at a Site of Grace. Return to the boss area and you'll find two summon signs and you're faced with a choice, similar to the Sellen quest choice. The yellow summon sign will have you summoned to Millicent to help her defeat NPC invaders. The red summon sign will let you invade and kill her.

We're not sure what happens if you choose to kill her but if you go with the yellow summon sign and help her kill the NPCs, you're rewarded with the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, a talisman that greatly raises attack power with subsequent hits.

You can then rest at a Site of Grace—or fast travel away and back again—and find Millicent near the spot where the summoning signs were. Talk to her, then rest again and you'll return to find her body. You can loot her for the Unalloyed Gold Needle item, which you can use to acquire Miquella's Needle for one of the Elden Ring endings

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hey there, great job keep on interacting