Work on Stalker 2 is once again underway

1 min read

The community manager for GSC game world has said that development on Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl has resumed. In a post on Discord, GSC Game World community representative Mol1t has said that "it continues" and "the work is in progress." 

In February, developers at Stalker 2 developer GSC Game World paused development on their game as the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, their home country. Since then, the game has been renamed to Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl to reflect the Ukrainian, rather than Russian, spelling.

The game's official Discord was closed to new chat in March, following GSC's announcement that it would be suspending development on Stalker 2, and reopened only a few days ago. There's no indication yet how much of Stalker 2's development is back in motion, or how that will affect Stalker 2's release date—which at this point is almost sure to be pushed back from its December launch, and for good reason.

Between that suspension of work and today, rumors have circulated that some developers working on Stalker 2 have been relocated to Prague, in nearby Czechia. The website for Stalker 2 was also blocked in Russia. ("Petty censorship," we called it.) 

Great reporting, GRY-Online (link in Polish.)

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hey there, great job keep on interacting