It's always nice when a gun shoots something besides bullets or lasers, so I'm excited to see that in sci-fi FPS The Entropy Centre, your gun shoots time. Specifically, when you shoot your futuristic weapon at an object, that object will be sent hurtling into its own past.
Did a walkway collapse? Shoot it! The timeline of the walkway will reverse, all that broken concrete and twisted metal will reform, and you'll be able to walk across it. Piece of cake.
Your time-rewinding gun is named ASTRA, by the way, and it's loaded with an AI that can talk (sometimes just to make a few sarcastic remarks when you almost get yourself killed). In The Entropy Centre, you're going to need ASTRA's time-rewinding powers to solve puzzles in a crumbling space station so you can reach its core. And hopefully once you get there you'll discover a way to do more than just repair broken pillars and reverse the direction of conveyor belts.
See, you're the last human alive because the Earth has overheated to roughly one hundred million degrees. It sure would be nice to point a really big time-rewinding gun at the planet and send it into its past to save everyone, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, that sounds like it would take a lot more time-bending energy than ASTRA can dish out. So deeper into the station you go, looking for answers.
There's obviously quite a Portal feel to The Entropy Centre, what with the cubes, button puzzles, and snarky AI commentary, but it looks great and the concept of rewinding time is a clever one. Speaking of time, the sci-fi FPS will be out sometime in 2022.