New Fallout: London trailer shows bike-riding and weaponized elephants

2 min read

Dismayed at the prospect of Fallout 5 not appearing for another decade or so? We feel your pain, but at least there's something Fallout-related to look forward to in the near future. Fallout: London, the "DLC-sized" Fallout 4 mod set in post-apocalyptic England, has a lengthy new trailer and a release window. That last bit is excellent news for impatient fans of power armor and old-timey radio stations, because Fallout: London will arrive sometime in 2023.

Just as importantly, there are a few truly interesting moments in the trailer, including the sight of someone on a bicycle (hopefully it's the player), and a post-credits sequence (yes, those happen even in trailers now) that gives us a brief glimpse of what appears to be someone riding an elephant into combat.

Rideable bikes? War elephants? Both of those are exciting thoughts in a series where vehicles are useful as atomic landmines instead of as a means of transportation. Modders have added moving vehicles into a few Fallout games in the past, so it's great to see that I might be able to hop on a bike or an elephant in Fallout: London and go for a spin. There are also a few shots in the trailer of the player piloting a small boat down a river that could be The Thames, so it looks like there may be some interesting ways to get around in the mod.

The rest of the trailer takes us on a tour of ruined London, gives us another glimpse of the mysterious Mr. Smythe (we met him in the gameplay trailer released back in May), and shows us plenty of predictable rain and fog. London's weather… London's weather never changes. 

We don't know when in 2023 we'll finally get our hands on the mod, but in the meantime you can play with a few bits of it. The developers have released several standalone mods of weapons and outfits from Fallout: London, including a set of armor, that you can try in Fallout 4 right now. 

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