Vampire survival game V Rising is a certified hit, quickly springing onto Steam's top 10 most-played list and selling over a million copies in its first week of early access. But the game tends to keep you at arms length, with a camera that looks down at your vampire from above and doesn't let you zoom all the way in to fully enjoy your exquisite castle or the vast open world. It can also be a little hard at times to navigate through the map and see threats lurking on the roads ahead, and the UI, while not overbearing, makes taking great screenshots a bit difficult.
Some cool mods have popped up that change that. ModernCamera removes the zoom limit so you can scroll your view way, way in. At floor level, you can even adjust the camera's angle so you're looking at your vampire head-on instead of top-down. You probably won't want to fight zoomed in all the way—aiming spells is tricky and it's easy to lose track of mobs—but it is quite bracing to run down the roads and through the woods in wolf form with the camera following behind you instead of peering down at you.
Another mod, HideInterface, binds the F11 key to toggle the UI on and off, which pairs nicely with the camera mod and allows you to take great screenshots of your vampire and your carefully decorated castle. Not everything bears close-up scrutiny, naturally, since the game wasn't meant to be looked at this closely from such a low angle (your castle definitely does not have a roof, for example). But if you've been wanting to show off your vampire and your lair, these two mods work great together.
You'll find these mods and others at Thunderstore, but you'll need a third mod to get them running.
Download BepInExPack V Rising first, extract it to a new folder, then move the contents of the BepInExPack_V_Rising folder into the game's Steam folder (steamapps\common\VRising).
Start the game and you'll see the BenInEx console fire up before the game loads. Start your game with the LAN tickbox checked (you'll have to play singleplayer to use mods) and then quit.
Then download the camera and UI mods, and drop ModernCamera.dll and HideInterface.dll files into the new BepInEx/plugins folder.
That's it! Now when you play singleplayer, tapping F11 will toggle the UI on and off, and you can zoom in and out to your exquisite heart's delight.