dynamicSpot puts Apple’s Dynamic Island on your Android phone

2 min read

Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max don’t just offer updated hardware, but it also brings a new face to top-tier iPhones. Since its release, the Dynamic Island has received praise and also critique and since its just a piece of software, it was only a matter of time before it popped up on Android handsets. Now, thanks to Jawomo’s dynamicSpot, you too can also have a clever notification experience on your smartphone.

The developer’s latest app that is currently in beta, features some of the best parts of Apple’s Dynamic Island but also offers some customization options as well. With dynamicSpot, you’ll have the ability to set up what kind of notifications show up on your screen. Furthermore, you will have the option to change the look of the dynamicSpot, like changing its position, size, and also how rounded the edges look. There is even an option to have it show two popup notifications when they come in.

dynamicpost on Pixel 6a

dynamicSpot notification on the left, standard notification on the right.

If you’re looking for more functionality, the app does have a pro option that will come in at $4.99. The paid version will unlock new features such as giving the user the ability to show the dynamicSpot on the lock screen, and gaining access to single tap and long press actions. Jawomo is a long time developer who is also responsible for the AOD notification light apps for Samsung and OnePlus devices, and also the Bixby button remapper.

Once again, at this moment, the app is in beta, so not everything will be perfect. The developer shares that animations might not consistently be smooth and there could also be some issues with app compatibility. But for the most part, testing it out, things look to be in good shape with notifications appearing on the dynamicSpot, expanding into previews when held, and so on. If you’re interested, you can also try the beta which is available through the Google Play Store. The app is free without ads but it is a work in progress, so if you see something that might not be working right, it might be a great idea to leave feedback.

dynamicSpot - Multitasking (Free, Google Play) →

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