Rockstar's throwing a life preserver to that guy with 6,000 hours of Red Dead Online on Stadia

1 min read

Colour, the streamer who logged 6,000 hours of playtime on the Stadia edition of Red Dead Redemption 2, is about to be saved from the doomed platform. Stadia players will be able to transfer currency and progression from Stadia to another platform according to a screenshot of a message from a Rockstar support account that Colour shared. . 

Google's sudden announcement that Stadia would shut down in January 2023 sent developers and players scrambling. Some devs with work-in-progress for Stadia got shafted, while others had to set about figuring out how to help players transfer their saved game progress.

Very few people seemed as screwed as Colour, a content creator who specializes in Red Dead Online 2 on Stadia. With the announcement of the platform's closure, he feared he would lose nearly 6,000 hours' worth of progress on the game.

Thankfully, Rockstar has stepped in and announced account transfer for Stadia players, following in the footsteps of Bungie, IO Interactive, and Zenimax Online. In a message to Colour shared by the content creator, the company states that Red Dead Online players will be able to transfer all currencies and experience from Stadia to an account on another platform via the Rockstar Social Club.

Rockstar has yet to share details or a timetable for the process, and we've reached out to the company for comment.

Colour is understandably relieved by the news, and said the collective jostling to get Rockstar to address the issue "helped save an entire community of players from losing all their online progress." Here's to 6,000 more hours then. I just hope he remembers to take breaks.

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hey there, great job keep on interacting