One of the worst PC ports of the year has started its redemption arc

1 min read

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty barely released on PC last week with a list of performance issues and broken mouse controls. Today, patch 1.03 starts to clean up what is probably the worst PC port of the year.

The patch notes, which are available on developer Team Ninja's site, claim to fix a number of bugs and crashes as well as the camera controls when using a mouse.

At launch, moving your mouse felt like using a controller joystick. You had to work against what felt like a deadzone that prevented your camera from moving until you passed a certain threshold. It was unplayable for a fast-paced action game, especially if you were trying to aim a bow. Now, Wo Long's mouse controls work like any other PC game.

The game's numerous performance issues—which led to thousands of negative Steam reviews currently reflected as a "Mixed" appraisal on Steam—are a different story. The patch says it fixes "crash-prone situations that occurred in certain environments," but some players on Reddit and Steam are still running into problems.

Team Ninja is working on "other issues that have been reported and inquired about," for the next patch, according to the Wo Long Twitter account. Hopefully those other issues include the stuttering, the frame rate inconsistency, a bug that locks it to 720p resolution, and all the various visual glitches that players have reported since its release.

In our review of Wo Long, Sam Greer called its technical issues "a shame," because it's "an exceptionally accomplished evolution," of Team Ninja's Soulslike action RPG series Nioh.  Maybe with time and its promised DLSS update, it will live up to that praise for everyone trying to play it.

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